Mianite Wiki

BlockWorks, now stylized as Blockworks or blockworks, was the official building and lore team for Mianite Season Two. BlockWorks was founded in early 2013, and now consists of over 30 designers, animators, artists and developers from around the world. Members of the team are largely admitted on the basis of their unique skill or style, providing the team with a wide range of different expertise.

At the time of Season Two, Blockworks with the addition of many new Helpers built a much smaller team of creatives who aside from building, were also involved in writing and character acting.

Official Members of Blockworks

Jamdelaney1 (Managing Director)

Block_Foretress (Builder)

Chimalus - (Member) Played the roles of Ianite (Up until the Inertia Prison Break, where the role was transferred to Lady Krys), Mianite, Martha, Ianita and the Ianita Swarm, Andor, BroRobes, and World Historian.

Helpers of Blockworks

Lady Krys - Played the roles of Ianite, Martha, Inspiration, Doubt and Mot.

Lucavex - Played the role of Farmer Steve.

X33N - Played the roles of Deviser Gaines, DG worker, Observation Bot, Intuition and Self-Doubt.

Ralpren - Played the roles of Lieutenant_Al, Dianite, Spirit Dianite, and Dianite.

MrMadSpy - Played the roles of Wisdom and Guard Tom.





